Friday, June 22, 2012

I see..... Ice Cream!

Heritage Parks can be quite fun for a little bear! For example... down a side street, he found... a fortune telling booth! Madame Aleaka: The Palmist wasn't around... and somehow no one was willing to pay Sandy $0.25 to read their palms.
Maybe it's because he'd be a better paw reader than a palm reader! Mind you... he did try it out on Mama.... and told her... "I see you... buying me... something cold and sweet!" (It was a hot day after all). Sandy is pretty good at this actually, because off in the distance... he could see...
... the Vulcan Confectionary & Ice Cream Parlour! Ice cream!!! Cold and sweet coming up! Sandy decided he was going to have honey ice cream. But... they didn't have any of that... guess they don't get a lot of bears coming through. So he had to settle on sharing an orange sorbet cone with Mama...
Ooh... that looks yummy!! And... it is yummy!

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