Friday, January 20, 2012

Sparky Bear

Today little bear discovered power lines... or rather power towers! These tall metal contraptions looked very inviting to climb!! It was almost like a monkey bar!! Little bear could climb up and look down on the world... but little bear also saw the sign that said these power towers were very dangerous.

Although it might be very tempting to climb up the towers, little bear recognized that he, or others, could get seriously hurt if he was foolish enough to attempt that. He realized that he didn't have to do everything in life that looked like fun... because sometimes the "fun-looking" things are really quite dangerous.

In addition to being a Clean Bear against litter... he could become Sparky Bear... an advocate for safety around electrical devices!! There could be a whole line of bears that would be advocates and spokes-bears for safety and environmental awareness!! Little bear might have a good idea going here!

We could learn a lesson from little bear. Sometimes we do the "fun" things even though we know they are dangerous. Maybe instead of always pushing hte boundaries of "fun" we could actually be spokespeople for safety... drinking & driving, speeding, etc. Little bear might have something to teach us!

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